Decato BE*, Ammar R*, Reinke-Breen L*, Thompson JR, Azzara A. (2021) “Transcriptome analysis reveals key genes modulated by ALK5 inhibition in a bleomycin model of systemic sclerosis” Rheumatology, keab580. [PDF][Publisher Site]

(* denotes co-first author)

Luo Y, Wadhawan S, Greenfield A, Decato BE, Oseini A, Collen R, Shevell D, Thompson J, Jarai G, Charles ED, Sanyal AJ (2021) “SOMAscan Proteomics Identifies Serum Biomarkers Associated With Liver Fibrosis in Patients With NASH” Hepatology Communications Hep4.1670 [PDF][Publisher Site]

Decato BE, Qu J, Ji XJ, Wagenblast E, Knott SRV, Hannon GJ, and Smith AD (2020) “Characterization of universal features of partially methylated domains across tissues and species.” Epigenetics & chromatin 13.1: 1-14 [PDF][Publisher Site]

Barnett KR, Decato BE, Scott TJ, Hansen TJ, Chen B, Attalla J, Smith AD, and Hodges E (2020) “ATAC-Me Captures Prolonged DNA Methylation of Dynamic Chromatin Accessibility Loci during Cell Fate Transitions.” Molecular Cell 77.6: 1350-1364 [PDF][Publisher Site]

Decato BE, Lopez-Tello J, Sferruzzi-Perri AN, Smith AD, Dean MD (2017) “DNA methylation divergence and tissue specialization in the developing mouse placenta.” Molecular Biology & Evolution 34(7):1702-1712 [PDF] [Publisher’s site]

Song Q, Decato B, Hong E, Zhou M, Fang F, Qu J, Garvin T, Kessler M, Zhou J, Smith AD (2013) “A reference methylome database and analysis pipeline to facilitate integrative and comparative epigenomics.” PLOS ONE 8(12): e81148 [PDF] [Publisher’s site]

Kaaij LJT, van der Wetering M, Fang F, Decato B, Molaro A, Harmen JG, van der Werken H, van Es JH, Schuijers J, de Wit E, de Laat W, Hannon GJ, Clevers HC, Smith AD and Ketting RF (2013) “DNA methylation dynamics during intestinal stem cell differentiation reveals enhancers driving gene expression in the villus.” Genome Biology 14:R50 [PDF] [Publisher’s site]